IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) therapy is a popular laser treatment- also known as a photofacial. IPL is typically for individuals with a very fair complexion, seeking to remove brown or red discoloration issues. As we age, skin can become dull and lifeless. The youthful glow and dewy texture that we had once taken for granted may begin to diminish.The treatment is also ideal for patients who relied heavily on tanning beds, to reverse damage caused to the skin. IPL can help with leathery skin texture on many areas of the body. Your practitioner can treat the face and neck, as well as the chest and hands. These areas often have the most sun exposure.

IPL has become a top solution for anti-aging in Hollywood, Miami, New York, and other beauty-centric regions of the world. Photofacial in Miami is a go-to treatment for men and women, especially due to the extreme sun exposure. While IPL treatments are widely used all over the world, photofacial in Miami, Los Angeles, and other hot climates are typically in higher demand. Patients in these areas report more damage to the skin as a result of increased sun exposure, and therefore seek IPL as a way to resolve these issues.

How is the IPL Procedure Done?
During your treatment, a pulsed light will be released onto the face, with the use of a small laser handpiece. The handpiece is placed gently against your skin, addressing areas of concern. The intense, pulsed, low-fluence (or low-density) light used in a non-abrasive way to rejuvenate the skin. During treatment, that takes about 30 minutes, light pulses are directed evenly over the skin. It also helps with sun damaged skin and pigmentation abnormalities such as spider veins and rosacea. Patients report the sensation as slightly uncomfortable, but not exactly painful. It is much like an elastic band snapping lightly against your cheek. Within days of treatment, a permanently fresh and youthful complexion will be revealed. Along with other laser treatments, IPL is an effective way to remove signs of aging without expensive and invasive surgery.

IPL will not only relieve skin of visible sun damage, it will rejuvenate the skin by boosting collagen production, reversing the signs of aging and giving a more youthful glow. IPL's intense low-density light is used non-abrasively to revitalize the skin. Each treatment takes about 25-30 minutes, as light pulses are applied evenly over the surface of the skin. The light penetrates into the epidermis and then the dermis. IPL's pulsed light stimulates skin cells to produce new, fresh collagen. After several IPL treatments, new collagen begins to develop, smoothing and softening the skin's overall appearance, minimizing fine lines and pores. The skin will turn a brownish color days after treatment; that layer will slough off to reveal new, refreshed skin.

If you have sun damaged skin, discoloration, or other skin concerns mentioned above, visit Miami Beauty Clinic today for your Photofacial treatment. If you have any questions regarding the treatment or any other treatments, contact us today!