If you’re looking for a way to look younger without plastic surgery, then talk to our skin professionals at the Miami Beauty Clinic. We provide a variety of skincare procedures and facials that will make you look your best at our medical spa in Miami. One of the most beneficial and effective ways to reverse the effects of aging on your skin is with a PRP Bio-Facelift treatment.

What Is A PRP Bio-Facelift Treatment?

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is used to help regenerate the fast growth of new skin cells. Your blood holds healing powers that strengthen your skin’s ability to restore itself. PRP also promotes the formation of collagen to give your skin a youthful, supple glow.

How Does A PRP Bio-Facelift Work?

The procedure is done in our office and takes about 90 minutes to complete. We will draw a small amount of blood from your arm and prepare your blood in a centrifuge to separate the platelets for the injection. We’ll apply a topical cream to numb your face to make it a pain-free experience. The prepared plasma is injected into your face, and then we use micro-needling along with a cold collagen mask for the maximum in healing power.

What Are The Benefits?

PRP facelifts can be used to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, creases, smile lines, and scar tissue. It also tightens the skin to give it a smooth appearance, and it rolls back the years for a younger face. Your skin will feel softer and rejuvenated thanks to the healing properties contained in your plasma. The PRP Bio-Facelift is a perfect choice for your skin if you’re not ready for plastic surgery.

Our medical spa in Miami is ready to help you roll back the clock on your appearance with a professional and safe PRP Bio-Facelift in our beautiful facilities. We’ve helped many patients just like you to look their best for the ultimate in self-confidence. Contact us at the Miami Beauty Clinic today to book an appointment.