We spend a lot of time in the sun whether we realize it or not. It's a given we are in the sun during outside recreation, but we don't think about when we dash from the car running errands or stand outside for a work break. We're out in the suns damaging rays more than we understand.

What's The Harm In A Little Sun?
The harmful UV radiation is a natural energy that emits from the sun. The naked eye does not see UV light due to its shorter wavelengths than visible light on the electromagnetic spectrum. Even though we can't see it, it's what gives us the warmth we love and a glowing tan. But beware, that glow hides some insidious effects working just below the skin.

Under The Umbrella Of Ultraviolet Light
Cumulative unprotected exposure to the sun's UVA and UVB light leads to damaging effects of the DNA in our skin cells. Ultimately, producing genetic mutations that foster pre-mature skin aging and are a proven cause of melanoma, basal cell, and squamous cell carcinomas. UV Light is broken down into these two categories:

  1. Ultraviolet A (UVA) perpetuates skin aging and has a longer wavelength.
  2. Ultraviolet B (UVB) associated with sunburns and has a shorter wavelength.

Protect The Skin You Have
The likelihood of these types of cancers lessens with the use of UV protection. Despite the risks, we can still enjoy what all the great outdoors has to offer by using a broad-spectrum sunscreen containing a high sun protection factor (SPF), Sun inhibiting clothes, and sunglasses with the proper UV filters. Also, consider sunless self-tanners in leu of tanning beds and laying out.

What To Do If You Notice Sun-damaged Skin
At Miami Beauty Clinic, we provide services to help sun ravaged skin. If you start to see the effects of the sun on your skin, one treatment available is the PhotoFacial. This treatment uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) to obliterate Sun damage, erase dark spots and reduce the appearance of broken capillaries, resulting in a fresh revived beautifully restored appearance to the skin.

For more information regarding their other treatments and products that help ease sun-damaged skin, contact us today!