Hair loss is a common problem that affects many older men. Although many have learned to live with it, the others have looked at alternative treatments besides pills and hair transplant surgery. The treatment for platelet rich plasma in Miami shows some promise in reversing hair loss.

What is Platelet Rich Plasma?
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is conditioned to be autologous, meaning that it's obtained from the patient's body. It's taken from a person's whole blood and centrifuged to separate the fluids from the red blood cells. PRP has been tested to improve healing, reduce pain and inflammation, stimulate collagen production and other medical uses; it has been used to treat acne, wrinkles, osteoarthritis and baldness. It has also been tested as a pain reliever for tendon, joint and muscle injuries.

What is Male Pattern Baldness?
Male pattern baldness is a condition, mostly affecting middle-aged men, that causes a loss of hair near the scalp. The problem is caused by genes and the high levels of testosterone in males. A wide range of treatments are available, such as medications and hair transplantation.

How Platelet Rich Plasma Can Help With Male Pattern Baldness
There is medical evidence to suggest that PRP injections work on male pattern baldness and alopecia conditions. The plasma injection is delivered into the scalp, causing minor discomfort with few, long-term side effects. The cost per injection varies and can be discussed during a consultation, as well as the amount of injections necessary. The total treatment may last several months, during which patients may see hair regrowth.

Like stem cells, the plasma from one's own blood shows some benefits as a self-healing medical treatment. It's guaranteed to be safe and effective as proven by several medical studies. Miami Beauty Clinic has all the information that you need to know about the platelet-rich plasma procedure. If you, or someone you know, experience male pattern baldness then the platelet-rich plasma procedure in Miami may be the solution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation to establish if you are a good candidate for this procedure.