If you are someone who is active, plays sports, or has a certain condition that affects joints, you may be stuck living with chronic pain and discomfort on a daily basis. Depending on what’s causing your discomfort, there may be treatments available, but they tend to be costly and invasive. You may end up feeling like you are stuck living with constant discomfort and no options for treatment. If this is you, then keep reading to learn about Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy, so you might finally get some relief.

What exactly is Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy? PRP is blood plasma enriched with platelets. Platelets are used because they contain many different growth factors that stimulate healing of soft tissue. In addition, the growth factors increase collagen production, enhances healing of muscles and ligaments, and causes cartilage to become more resilient.

Now that you know what PRP is, we can discuss how it is administered. If you were to have this treatment done, you would start out by getting 30ml’s of your blood drawn. The blood would then be taken to a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from the other particles in the blood. The doctor will then inject these platelets directly into affected area, typically using ultrasound to help with accuracy. The whole process should take around 20 minutes to complete.

Although you will feel an increase of pain the next few days following treatment, it will start to decrease as you resume activity and your strength and endurance increase. You will notice a general improvement 2 to 6 weeks after treatment, and some even report ongoing improvement 6 to 9 months after treatment. In some cases, surgical intervention can be avoided, however for some, surgery may still be needed. Many chronic illnesses will respond well to this procedure, but there is currently no way to accurately determine which conditions may not respond.

You might find yourself asking if this could help you. If you have certain injuries, than this could be the perfect solution for your ongoing discomfort. Candidates for this procedure are anyone with Osteoarthritis of the knee, shoulder, hip, and spine. It can help anyone with rotator cuff tears, chronic plantar fasciitis, and ACL injuries. If you suffer from pelvic pain and instability, back and neck injuries, tennis elbow, or ankle sprains this could also help you.

After reading this you may find yourself interested in trying this treatment for your own injury. However, one last thing to consider is where to go to have this treatment done. You need to go to a trustworthy and reliably facility that cares about you, to ensure the best results. The Miami Beauty Clinic is not only all those things, but much more. Here, you’ll find yourself in a friendly environment surrounded by people who have your best well being in mind. At the Miami Beauty Clinic they have very experienced doctors on staff, so you can feel confident you’re getting the best service around. So call today for a free consultation to find out if this treatment is right for you.